Saturday, 12 June 2010

Life & Randomness

Sara Ferguson, Duchess of York was talking to Oprah Winfrey about how chronically she pushed herself which led to the vicious scandal for 40,000 dollars.

Sara Ferguson, Duchess, led a red carpet life in a royal place with the royal family, is struggling to make some thousand dollars.
Oprah Winfrey, came up a long way in life looks at Sarah with "unbelievable" look.

Watching this Oprah episode, I can't help thinking about the randomness of life. Life gives an option to live, but there is no real strategies apart from living it as it comes. What ever is the plan, strategy, and the way you live, tomorrow is totally unpredictable. I can give many more examples about how life changes randomly, for better or worse its random.

However life is not defined by randomness, human will is supreme. Need to accept the element of randomness and work on the will power. :)


  1. Randomness is a term that one needs to understand carefully. Just one example to illustrate the point;

    Let me call the protagonist, Joe, the plumber (courtesy Obama). Joe is a Swiss-American, working for a Swiss bank in New York. Joe is a firm believer in randomness, planning for randomness and minimizing randomness.

    A couple of years ago, his son was about to hit 18 years and Joe wanted to give his son (and wife a very pleasant surprise). Joe, used to risk management looked up all possible travel sites online as well as offline. He ended up with a fantastic deal with an Asian airline, sea facing bunglow at Bali....

    Joe's family, especially his son was ecstatic about this gift. The family dashed off to Bali as per schedule and had a wonderful week in the tropical island of Bali. Loads of fun, yatching, snorkelling etc etc. Just the eve before the scheduled day of departure from Bali, Joseph (Joe's sun) wanted to venture out for a cozy evening walk, barefooted across the Kota beach. The walk soon translated to a jog and subsequently became a sprint. Our just turned adult Joeseph started panting and decided to sit under a coconut tree.

    Within 30 seconds, a coconut dropped off from the tree, hit Joseph's head and ripped his skull apart. Joe was frustrated, angered and grieved left, right and centre; after having carefully chosen the airline, the hotel, the airport transfers, Joe left Bali pondering, 'How can one plan for such a random accident?'

    Bottom-line: Life is random and regardless of how supreme the human will is, it can only help a person get over coconut tragedies; however, human will can never ever avert coconut tragedies!!!

  2. Thanks Raj. is random.. but death is certain.

    Life and living is majorly defined by human will. What do you say..:)

  3. Wow - that was a quick response. I would say Life is determined by destiny but 'Living' is determined by human will; so I totally agree with you on the living part :)
